August 26, 2008


Those of you that shop at Kohls will know about the displays they have at the entrances with books and matching stuffed animals. Well, on Friday night we went with Chad & Amanda to Kohls and when Amanda saw the books that were on sale, she was very excited because these are famous books and $5 was a great deal. She said "you HAVE to buy these." So I grabbed one of each of the four books and we went on with the shopping. As we were walking through the store, I was looking at the books and they were all pretty much the same thing so I decided that we only needed one and I would put the other three back when we went to check out. Well, as we were finishing our shopping, Bauer asked to hold the books. So I handed them to him and warned him about being careful with them. We made it almost to the checkstand when his sweet, angelic voice says "I'm happy for my books Mommy." I look back and he has all of them hugged tight into his body and a huge grin on his face. Needless to say, we bought all four books. Seeing that little guy's face light up as we bought them and how excited he was just melted my heart. He had to cary the bag of them out to the car by himself and told us again on the way out how he was so happy for his books.

August 25, 2008


Today Bauer and I went to the petting zoo with Amanda, Paislee, Terah, Brookly, Breanna, Nate, and thier cousin Jake. We went over to Gardner Villiage and did the petting zoo and the kids rode the ponies. Bauer (as you can see in the picture) wasn't quite sure about riding the horses. I think he probably would have been just as happy (if not more so) to just look at the horses. He didn't cry or fuss or anything. He just kind of sat there and rode expressionless. He was pretty shy in the petting zoo too. He just kind of stood there. I thought it was pretty weird. But then I don't think he is feeling very well today so that may have been the problem.

August 21, 2008


Brian and I went with Chad and Amanda to Lake Powell for 5 days. Brian and Karen Lang had invited us on an adult trip. I had never met them so I was kind of nervous to go. Knowing how shy I am, I was afraid that it would be awkward. I was also hesitant to go because I hate being away from my sweet Bauer. But I love Lake Powell and it was a good opportunity to spend time with Brian without having to give all of my attention to Bauer. So as soon as I got off work on Friday we all headed down. We ended up making it there just in time to be picked up before dark. We got to the houseboat and met everyone and then stayed up talking. By the end of the night I felt like I was there with a group of old friends.

We had such a fun trip. We did the usual boating and wake boarding and then we were also introduced to bubble jumping and surfing and we went to Rainbow Bridge. It was hard to leave Bauer and we missed him a ton but we sure are glad we went.


Yeah, that's right - you are looking at the 2008 West Valley co-ed champions. Congratulations to our softball team. We took 1st place in the league last night and we had a blast doing it!

August 14, 2008


Hooray for Bauer! He made it his 1st day without having an accident!

August 13, 2008


Doesn't every kid wear their lifejacket while they play golf!?


So I know you have all been DYING to hear the latest on Bauer's Potty Saga so I thought I would write. Okay, so I know that really nobody other than me gets excited over (or even cares about) every bowel movement my child has but for those of you who have gone/are going through potty training, you can appreciate the excitement. Anyways, for a couple of days now I have been getting excited to make the post that Bauer has had his first full day without an accident. Saturday he made it all day but then late at night he had a half-in-the-underwear-half-in-the-toilet poop (I know…gross). Not sure how it really went because I wasn't there. So then the next day (Sunday) he went all day without an accident. Then at about 11:00 at night (yeah, our fault for having him up that late but we didn't want to miss any of the Olympics because Phelps was swimming) he told us "I need to go potty" but by the time we got into the bathroom he had already gone. Then there was Monday. Oh my! In the morning he had an accident. I let him sit in his wet underwear for a minute to feel how gross it was. He was really upset. So I let him put some new underwear on and was sure that he wouldn't do it again because he really felt bad. Sure enough, about an hour and a half later he did it again. I said "Fine. You are going to wear your baby diapers then since you are acting like a baby." So I put a regular diaper on him. He hated it. I was glad. About an hour later he went down for his nap. When I went in to get him out about 3 hours later, he was standing in his bed with his diaper in his hands. I laughed at him, got him out, and put him on the toilet. As he was sitting on the toilet I noticed that his shirt was wet. I smelled it (if you are a parent you understand). Sure enough - PEE! So I go back into his bedroom and find the bed, his blankets, the floor, the dust ruffle, and his stuffed animal SOAKED. He knew that he needed to go so he took his diaper off so he wouldn't have to feel gross and then just peed all over everything. I was LIVID! It was frustrating enough that I had to clean everything up but the fact that he knew he needed to go and instead of telling us, he just took his diaper off and went, put me over the edge. So anyways, he went back to the "baby diapers" and the potty watch. For the rest of the night, we went to the bathroom every half hour when the watch went off. He was actually really good after that. The only accident we have had since was Tuesday at Playgroup and he was there for an hour and a half so I can't really blame him because I wasn't around to take him to the bathroom. So anyways, wish us luck. Maybe today will be the day.

August 11, 2008


Scentsy is coming out with a new catalog next month. There will be 11 new warmers, 18 new scents, 7 previously discontinued scents returning, the scentsy brick will be available in 50 scents, and there is a cool new plug-in designed to take up less space. As always with the new catalog coming out, there will be a number of scents discontinued. Here is a list off all the discontinued scents. If any of you would like to order them, let me know so I can get your order in by the end of the month. Also, everything in the Spring/Summer catalog is 10% off this month so this is a great time to stock up if you want to.

Discontinued Fragrances
Awapuhi Seaberry
Bamboo Pear
Bamboo Sugar Cane
Banana Flower
Awapuhi Seaberry
Bamboo Pear
Bamboo Sugar Cane
Banana Flower
Bergamot & Tarragon
Coming Home
Cranberry Bread
Green Mango
Lavendar Vanilla
Lime Sublime
Maui Mist
Meltaway Melon
Mission Fig
Orange Dreamsicle
Red Clover Tease
Red Delicious
Sage & Sweet Grass
Sizzlin’ Coconut
Summer Sippin’
Tahiti Pear
Tamarind Apricot
Vanilla Maple Pecan
Vanilla Oak


Is it possible for a 2-year-old to have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder? Sometimes I wonder about Bauer. Today he came into the kitchen and on the counter was a spray bottle. I had left it there after ironing his pants for church yesterday. He looked up at it and said "that's not goes right there Mommy. That spray bottle goes in the bathroom." So I handed him the bottle and he went into the bathroom and put it away. Another example: One Sunday Brian was making us breakfast while Bauer was playing with his train set on the ground. When breakfast was ready, we said "Bauer, come eat breakfast." He said "just a minute" and then took the train track apart and put each of the pieces and all of the trains inside the tupperware that they go in, put the lid on, and then came and sat up to the table. Example 3: We were at my mom's house and took Bauer to the bathroom. As we were walking out, he noticed a tube of toothpaste and said "Mommy, that toothpaste needs to have a lid." Seriously - what 2-year-old even notices that!? He is also this way about his toys. He has a bag of golf balls that Brian's parents gave him for his birthday and when he gets them out to hit them, he will pour them out of the bag and then line them up in a nice, neat line before he hits them. Or when he plays with cars, he always has to put them in a line before he does anything with them.

August 7, 2008


We have quite a few kids in our neighborhood that were born around the same time so they have been good friends. A couple of moms decided to do a playgroup so they could get to know each other better, learn a little, and maybe the moms could get some errands done. Amanda and I did the first one. We had a teddy bear day. All the kids brought their favorite stuffed animal and we played some bear games, sang songs, learned the color blue, and played in Paislee's bounce house. The kids did really well. It was a lot of fun.


Gayle and Lorna have a timeshare up in Bear Lake that we go to every year. They invite the extended family and everyone goes up to play for the week (or however long they can stay). Brian has sales training every year at the same time so he doesn't get to stay very long. We went up Friday after work and Brian came back late Saturday night and Bauer and I stayed until Sunday night. We got to do lots of fun stuff up there. We went golfing, miniature golfing (about which Bauer said "this is hard golfing"), swimming, played at the beach , drove around on Suzzi's go-carts, and played games. Suzzi and Heidi also made a couple of piƱatas for the kids to break open. Bauer got lots of fun toys. His favorites are the frogs. I'm not sure why he loves them so much but he wanted anything that was a frog and has carried them all around with him ever since. I thought Bauer would have a hard time with the potty training but he did really well with it up there. I am pretty sure everyone else hated it though when the potty watch went off every half hour. Sorry everyone! We had lots of fun though and look forward to going again next year.


3 Joys:

3 Fears:
Public speaking
Not being able to breathe
Bauer having to go to the ER (which I am sure will happen before too long)

3 Goals:
Get Bauer potty-trained
Organize my closet
Learn how to use all the settings on my camera

3 obsessions:
Brian & Bauer

3 Random Facts:
I like to paint my toenails for each holiday.
I have 3 part-time jobs: I am a photographer, I sell Scentsy, and I work at Goldman Sachs.
I am very self-conscious, especially about looking like a boy.

I tag Amanda, Jen, and Shayla.